
  • P1 Physio Physiotherapy icon


    P1 Physiotherapists are able to thoroughly assess your injuries and create a treatment plan to optimise rehabilitation and ensure you recover to your full potential. We are able to treat a range of musculoskeletal and sporting injuries, in the acute and chronic phases of recovery. A focus on improving maintaining muscle length, strength and tension, early reduction of inflammation and pain and restoring pain free movement, are the key elements of Physiotherapy at P1. This is achieved through a range of techniques including soft tissue therapy, joint mobilisations, dry needling, corrective taping, postural strengthening and stretching.

  • P1 Physio Women's health icon

    Women's Health Physiotherapy

    We treat an array of womens health concerns and pelvic related issues; such as pregnancy, post-natal check-ups, pre-exercise screening, Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP), Incontinence, pelvic pain, pelvic floor muscle weakness and more. Often, in the realm of womens health, there are sensitive issues that are difficult to discuss and to ensure that you feel comfortable and completely at ease during your appointment, we have a caring female physiotherapist to carry out a comprehensive and professional assessment in a dedicated private room. You can be assured that your privacy will be held with the highest regard and will always be respected and maintained. We will openly discuss your management options and devise a treatment plan that you understand and are comfortable with.

  • P1 Physio Dry Needling icon

    Dry Needling

    Dry needling is a form of Western Acupuncture where a very fine needle is painlessly inserted into the specifically selected muscle or area to treat muscular pain and spasm, tendinopathies and myofascial dysfunction. The aim of Dry needling is to help relax the identified trigger point in the muscle and reduce tension or spasm, this can elicit a twitch-relax response from the muscle. Dry needling can also aid in activation of weak muscle or reduce inflammation in an area. The needles are the exact same used in traditional Eastern Acupuncture and made of very fine sterilised, stainless steel with nothing in them or on them. They are individually sealed and disposed of after use.

  • P1 Physio Casting & Splinting icon

    Casting & Splinting

    P1 Physiotherapists are able to custom make waterproof and light-weight fiberglass casting for fracture management ,as well as remove them when the time comes. Custom thermo-plastic splints are also available and made-to-fit perfectly to the limb and have the benefit of being removable for cleaning or temporary stabilisation. We are able to supply and fit walking boots for the lower limbs and have a range of specialised braces to manage any injury for all areas of the body, to unload painful joints, assist with compression and support the area affected. Sports taping is also available during your Physiotherapy consultation or as a taping-only quick consult when in need to get to Sports training or games to enable safe participation.

  • P1 Physio Exercise Physiology icon

    Exercise Physiology

    Our Exercise Physiologist can tailor individualised and specific exercise programs to enhance your recovery whether it be following a workplace or sporting injury, rehabilitation pre or post-surgery as well as for the management of chronic conditions. We have a range of exercise equipment and a functional gym space, where you can carry out your program safely and effectively.

  • P1 Physio Remedial Massage icon

    Remedial Massage

    Deep tissue massage to ‘remedy’ an area of muscle spasm and tightness and release sensitive pressure points is essential for pain and tension relief and to restore muscle length. Massage also assists with improving circulation and the removal of toxins that build up from tight muscle spasm.

  • Shockwave Therapy Icon P1 Physio

    Shockwave Therapy

    An excellent modality in the treatment of tendiopathies, fasciopathies and soft tissue conditions as well as osteoarthritic conditions. It has been highly effective in treating the following conditions:
    - Tendinopathies including tennis/golfers elbow, patella tendinopathy, Achillies tendinopathy, gluteal tendinopathy
    - Plantar fasciitis and heel spurs
    - Adhesive capsulitis
    - Osteoarthritis
    Shockwaves are sound waves (not an electrical current or pulse) which pass through the tissues to the desired treatment area to promote healing by amplifying protein and collagen synthesis, stimulate tissue remodelling and reducing pain to allow improved function.
    Our Shockwave Therapy unit can provide one of the lowest pulse pressures ensuring maximum comfort and treatment efficacy for our patients while being able to provide as strong a pulse as any other unit on the market.

  • Post-natal Check-ups

    Post-natal Check-ups

    Are offered to women any time after giving birth, and this can be in the form of a ‘Telehealth’ appointment from the comfort of your hospital room, or a ‘face to face’ Consultation in the P1 Clinic.

    Regardless of whether you have any major concerns, It is still highly recommended to book an appointment at 6 weeks post-natal period, for a comprehensive assessment and check up following your birth and especially if you are considering returning to exercise at the time.

    For all Womens’ Health appointments relating to Ante-Natal Classes and Post-Natal check ups, please contact the practice to arrange appointment suitable for you.

  • Chiropractor icon


    Chiropractic treatment focuses on treating the musculoskeletal structures of the body which include joints, muscles and tendons to treat a wide range of injuries and conditions.

    Treatment involves a combination of soft tissue massage as well as adjustments that aim to provide pain relief and restore efficient function

    Our Chiropractors can help with:
    - Back & Neck pain
    - Headaches
    - Postural pain
    - Sporting injuries
    - Joint pain and stiffness


  • P1 Physio Director, Principal Physiotherapist Michael Pasqualin


    Director, Principal Physiotherapist
    Over the past 10 years, Michael has treated patients of all ages with a broad range of conditions and injuries, effectively helping them to return to full function. Read More…

  • P1 Physio Massage Therapist Tony Bui


    Massage Therapist
    I specialise in sports massage and use multiple techniques including dry needling, cupping, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy to help my patients achieve their stress and pain management goals. Read More…

  • Alyson Sommerville Physiotherapist Oran Park


    I enjoy using a combination of hands-on, manual techniques, dry needling and individualised exercise prescription to help patients improve their pain and function. Read More…

  • Giuseppe Lettieri Physiotherapist P1 Physio

    Giuseppe Lettieri

    For more than 5 years, I have helped many people of all ages recover from many different conditions such as post-operative care, workplace related injuries, young athletes and the elderly in aged care. Read More…


Ready to Book Your Appointment?

Our experienced Allied Health professionals are able to effectively treat and manage a whole range of conditions to help anyone of any age reach their full potential.


